2-12 February 2023
curated by Condylura
at Gelateria Sogni di Ghiaccio
as part of Art City Bologna
2-12 February 2023
curated by Condylura
at Gelateria Sogni di Ghiaccio
as part of Art City Bologna
beloved continues a dialogue begun in 2021 between Paolo Bufalini and Condylura around the notion of excavation. Drawing on both the partner's and his own memories and biographical material, the exhibition presents different declinations of the deep in the affective, temporal, technological and mineral contexts, contrasting the sentimentality of the subjects with the extractive logic it highlights.
The exhibition includes part of the project 'Land of Nod', dedicated to the hybridization of digital production and physical space. The project is commissioned by OmniArtVerse and curated by Treti Galaxie, which contributes with a text in curatorial dialogue: Dalla Collezione Esperimenti Onirici.
Graphic design by Studio Visivo (Marco Casella-Mattia Pajè)
beloved is realized with the support of Settori Musei Civici Bologna I MAMbo - Ixart - OmniArtVerse - FAB Foundation and in collaboration with Treti Galaxie and Ass. BOCA
Gelateria Sogni di Ghiaccio
Via Tanari Vecchia 5a, 40121 Bologna
Opening Thursday 2/02 h 18:00-23:00 CET
Friday 3/02 h 10:00-20:00
Saturday 4/02 h 10:00-23:00
Sunday 5/02 h 10:00-20:00
From Monday 6/02 to Friday 10/02 only by appointment
Saturday 11/02 and Sunday 12/02 h 11:00-19:00